Sunday, May 25, 2014

How To Look Good Naked [Health & Beauty]

1. MOOD LIGHTING. It's amazing the things that can be enhanced thanks to the art of carefully arranged lighting. If you are in a romantic setting, go for an orange glow by investing in fairy lights or candles which will make you look smokin' hot. I'm not even joking - this actually will make a difference to how you look.....(naked).

"I was under the impression when Aunt Irlene told me about the first time a boy's gonna take you on a date, it's like, why would they not, like, there should be mood lighting." Shoshanna, Girls


2. WORK OUT. Let's not beat around the bush here. If you want to look really good with little to no clothing on, you have to do some sort of physical exercise. Go for a run a few times a week, join a zumba class or do some sit-ups before you go to bed each night. Try not to overthink it, just do something that you enjoy and that gets you sweating.

3. EAT WELL. This follows on from exercising. Theoretically speaking, it's not complicated. If you want to look good, you need to feed your body with the right nutrients. Don't make the mistake of going on an extreme diet as this will only be counter productive and you will end up sobbing to yourself as you go through an entire loaf of bread. Mmmmm gluten.


4. FAKE A TAN. You don't need a tan to look hot naked, just for the record. However, it is proven that a tan can reduce the appearance of cellulite and make you look slimmer, so this could work in your favour. If you have a tan already, well then lucky you. If you do not, fake one. 

5. LINGERIE. If your plan to look good naked involves you first stripping down to your underwear, do it like the French and invest in the perfect lingerie. If you want to look great on the beach, then spend a little extra on a bikini that you can't wait to wear. Hang it somewhere you can see as motivation. 

6. WAX (and exfoliate). This is optional. However, waxing will last longer than many other forms of hair removal (unless you have the money to splash out on laser). Smooth skin feels great. Exfoliation also does wonders. Make a homemade scrub using sugar and olive oil combined and scrub away rough skin, followed by a moisturiser. Contrary to popular belief, exfoliation WILL make your tan last longer so continue the process on holidays.

7. CONFIDENCE. Willy Wonka was right, confidence IS key. And will take you a long way in a lot of domains. The most important thing about looking good naked is feeling good naked. Every single person in the world has insecurities - do not dwell on them. Stop reading the Daily Mail online and magazines which tell you that "real women" look a certain way. Love yourself more than anyone else and it will pay off. Society is messed up, hold your head high and do your best to ignore the critics.

                                    "You're right Mabel, this is oddly liberating"



  1. Sarah... have u been naked frollicking recently?! Its not really the season ;)
