1. MAKE LISTS. The simple satisfaction you get from crossing something off a to-do list is similar to the satisfaction you get from straightening magazines on your coffee table to form perfect, symmetrical lines.... (JUST ME?)
2. EXERCISE (for 20 mins). Enough to get your mind pumped, but not enough to get your body pooped. If you're finding it difficult to concentrate, this should help you re-focus. Go back to your task with a fresh perspective.
3. MAKE YOUR BED. First thing in the morning. This will leave your bedroom appear way tidier than it actually may be, as well as cleansing the soul. Now go get stuff done.
(Obviously the effect on your mood is greater depending on how nice your bedroom is to begin with)
4. BLOCK ALL SOCIAL MEDIA. NOW. Try leechblock for safari. You could also remove the apps on your phone (you can always reinstall them at a later point). Relish the brief moment of serenity that follows...
5. DO NOTHING (for 15 mins). Before you begin a task, do absolutely nothing for 15 mins in order to clear your mind and think of what you must get done and how you're going to go about it. After the 15 mins is up, you should feel less distracted and more concentrated on the task at hand.
6. TURN OFF YOUR PHONE (or at least turn it on silent). It will only distract you if you hear it beeping every 5 mins.
(When you turn back on your phone you will notice that nobody that interesting texted you anyway)
7. USE A PLANNER. As well as looking super cute in your handbag or on your desk, this will keep you on track in getting all your stuff done. Having an organised planner is pretty much the same as having an organised mind. Note down important dates and deadlines. You can customise your own (there are loads of online tutorials and videos on Youtube).
8. REWARD YOURSELF. After getting all that stuff done, it's important that you acknowledge how amazing you are and treat yourself to that large slice of gateau which has been staring at you in the kitchen for some time now. You deserve it.
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